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Noxious Weed Facts.

Controlling Noxious Weeds Is The Law!


The South Dakota Weed and Pest Control Commission is responsible for developing and implementing a statewide control program. South Dakota statute requires every landowner to control noxious weeds on
their land. Voluntary compliance is encouraged. State law provides enforcement
procedures used when landowners fail to comply. The laws and regulations are enforced by the South Dakota Department of Agriculture. Failure to comply initiates a formal process that could result in fines, tax levies, and liens against the lands of the owner. Uncontrolled noxious weeds that present a nuisance to area lands should be reported to country weed and pest officials.

Noxious Weeds Cost You Money $$$$!


Nearly 4.5 million acres are infested. Statewide losses from noxious weeds exceed $80 million annually. The acreage and cost will continue to increase unless those responsible take action to control and eradicate noxious weeds on the land.

Managing Weeds Early Will Actually Save You Money$


If you have a noxious weed problem, it will cost you less money to spray the weeds when the weed patch is small and controllable.  If you procrastinate, you are only allowing the weed patch to grow, and grow it will.  Every year you put off getting your weeds sprayed, the patch will grow larger, requiring more labor and chemical to control it.  This will also allow more seeds to be deposited on the ground, which in turn means weeds will keep coming back.




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